Monday, 21 March 2011

Live for now, or the future?

Actions we take now count for our future...

We all go through phases in which we 'can't be bothered', when we are just too lazy to function, and yes, at that moment in our lives it's convenient for us, it suits us... But then, being lazy at that time or even messing around affects us in the long run. An example of this is sitting in class: most of us talk to our friends and let's be honest, not listen to what the teacher is saying... By missing that information being taught, does this damage our futures?

So really should we live for now or live for the future? I find it a hard question to answer, as if we aren't in the 'mood' to do work or to concentrate, how can we put our full potential and involvement in a subject when we just aren't interested?

In school I don't always listen -  I am sometimes too easily distracted, and I regret this looking back to Year 9 as perhaps if I concentrated a bit more then, I would be doing better than I am now - even though I am doing reasonably well. I sometimes look back into last week at those lessons when I got distracted and didn't concentrate and I think why was I so stupid? Or in an exam I get flashbacks of my ignorance in class, not listening and then because of this not knowing the simple answer to a question, of which I should have known.

Should we live how we want to live now? We may think it is right and convenient at the time, but in the long run it may affect us - not listening may leave us unintelligent, and being the 'class clown' in schooling years as some may say, might leave us being the actual clowns... Next time I sit in class, I am going to think "I may not be 'bothered' now, but in the future I will be" - we will all look back into the past when we are older, and think 'why?' and regretting the constant natter and lack of concentration. Live for the future, as well as for now.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, it s a hard question to follow as some people tell us to live our lives to the full and others tell us the carefully plan our the future then be able to live your life to the full. Also another thing that ties in with this issue is the fact the there i always a posiblity that tomorrow may never come (if tomorrow never comes will she know how much I loved her....du du= sorry outburst of a song). The thing is if you keeping planning for the future and securing it possibly with education you may never never get round to doing the things you want to and regret it although securing your future to me sounds like the best idea as there seems to be more chance of being able to do the things you want but just at a more mature state of mind.
