This note I need to take notice of…
Melissa, through out your education you have found things difficult: whether general challenges, work and even growing up. You have found growing up difficult, as you’re slowly realising that the World is a lot bigger than what you initially thought, therefore you are becoming more aware, more worried, more uncertain about your future. You’re finding challenges hard, as these are ones which you have never come across before, these challenges testing your ability and also preparing you for other things.
You need to understand that as you grow up, things become harder, intense and they seem impossible at the time, but this hard work pays of as you realised in your GCSE results. You found middle school hard with SATs tests and little quizzes in class, you sat there worrying about these tests determining your tutor classes – these little tests which looking back were never as scary as what you are now facing. You found GCSEs hard, near impossible, but you did it, so what is stopping you from overcoming Alevel? You’re worrying too much, you’re overthinking, but I know you can’t stop yourself from doing so, as it’s what you must do in order to make these challenges clear in your own mind: how you’ll achieve the grades you want at the end of the two years. I know it’s hard, but you’ve got to keep trying, don’t give up, if you gave up in previous education you wouldn’t be where you are today… And in future I know you’ll think the same “if I gave up Alevel I wouldn’t be in this University/career” you’ve got to think ahead – think positively, it’s hard to at the moment, but be patient. You’ll never give up Alevel, you know how important it is. What you chose to study at the time was what felt right, what is best for you… I know you’re finding these subjects hard, but they’ll get easier, not easier in a sense of work load, but you’ll feel more comfortable. You just need confidence, belief in yourself that you can do it, that at the end it will all be worth it, all the hard work will equate to success. I know you want to achieve greatly, who doesn’t? I know you’re stressed at the moment, as are many others, but work for yourself, for your future.
From me.
I need to follow this I know I must, it’s what is best, it’s just so difficult.
Hey! My name is Melissa Molloy too! I'm also an Aries, annnd I'm a journalism student in Calgary, Canada....
ReplyDeleteJust thought I'd comment on this random event.