Sunday, 6 February 2011

Never judge a book by it's cover, because one day...

I was on Facebook earlier going down the homepage and I saw a page that someone liked, I clicked on it and it gave me an idea for a blog as it really made sense.

The page read 'that large girl you're making fun off in PE might be the next top model, that nerd you never sit next to will probably be your boss in the future, that pretty girl you have had a crush on will probably give you aids in the next few years, that quiet guy you see walking the corridoors everyday may be the next superstar and that black child no he's not going to a rapper or the next athlete but perhaps the new president' how random some of that sounds, it is true if you think about it, we always look at people and perhaps think things about them - negative or positive, without really getting to know them, without hearing their thoughts and feelings. All we do is judge a book by its cover... We shouldn't as who knows, one day, maybe, that person that is infront of you will be the next big thing, and the person you look up to niavely may not be such a hero after all.

Reading that page made me think, life is too short, we shouldn't judge. So from now on let people be themselves, be happy, be unique - let us all live the way we want to, the way we want to look. Everyone some day will turn into something they have lived for and deserve!

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