We all hear the term 'unique' being described as the differentiation from you and your peers, but do we express this uniqueness and are we all different?
In a sense we all have similarities of how we lead our lives as the world controls and guides us, this is not unique, not everyone has individual, personal treatment. Instead we are controlled as a country in terms of the political views and the leadership. We are even sometimes fooled into the control of the world: how we should do things, how we should look (which is prominently endorsed by the media commonly through the thinness of skin and the thickness of bones piercing through as if grabbing for food). We look around, we are controlled. Where is the sense of uniqueness in that?
We as humans have differences which make us distinctive from others, which makes us who we are: our identity, personality... And in my opinion this sense of 'unique' adapts throughout your life by inspirations and how you view the world, how you want to be seen and portrayed.
If we are all unique why are there stereotypes? I know that within these stereotypes there are individuals with many differences, but why are they generalised in a social grouping, a social tag, a label? Common groups I have heard are: Geeks, emos, goths, plastics etc. Surely no one can fully fit into either. The definitions are to me, quite ridiculous: 'Geeks: someone who is known as a 'boff' for concentrating and working hard in their studies for a better education, someone who listens in class', to me the label of 'geek' is quite ludicrous, to me that definition shows someone with determination, sensible - without an education where do we really get in life? 'Plastics: someone who wears makeup which is literally caked on covering their inner insecurities and to make themselves in their own mind look prettier which makes them look orange', I have realised that why do we pin point 'plastics' as they wear excessive makeup, maybe it's their uniqueness and it may make them feel pretty. Just like 'geeks' they may choose to express themselves differently. In life, we all make our own decisions, our own priorities, why should we put people in groupings because of these?
By being unique we are expressing ourselves to how we want to be. How we want to look when we look in the mirror and if the reflection to us isn't right or 'pretty' we change it. People can easily adapt, but once they are 'labelled' it's hard to be associated with any other 'reputation'... We shouldn't label. We are who we are, we are who we choose to be. We only live once.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
We all sometimes get that feeling when we want to escape, run from problems or even to just venture into a different world, into others minds.
There are days when I look out the window, and as sad as it sounds, sit there and wonder about how nature feels and how it 'escapes' in a way from its surroundings. Yes, nature may not have self awareness in life but it still flourishes. The world itself is full of so many possibilities, so many opportunities and so many places to hide - runaway. Running away doesn't necessarily mean physically running but perhaps mentally running away - day dreaming, pretending to be in a different place, a different atmosphere, so in your own mind you are away from problems and threats if there are some.
I often think to myself what would happen if I was to runaway, never look back or regret any actions, maybe I would be free from all my insecurities and also gather that sense of freedom that no one controls me, not even the world and its dictatorship.
I sit there in class sometimes with a teacher constantly emitting their ways of what is right and what is wrong, but really do they know what's 'best'... When do we ever get our chance to say our opinions, instead this is called 'back chatting', these are times when I feel I want to runaway, runaway from that constant mind set from individuals over wrong and right. Surely, in ourselves, we know what is right and wrong for us. Why should we have to constantly follow these 'rules'?
I see people argue in various relationships and often the answer that speaks out to them is to runaway from their problems. Forget about them, put them to the back of their minds. The truth is these problems and arguments will always be in their minds, one day it will come back and remind them that a part of their life is unsolved, and that an important relationship has been dissolved on such ridiculous, unnecessary terms.
Running away may not be the right thing to do, problems have to be solved and reality has to exist, otherwise what seperates us from the fantasy, dreamy world of 'make believe'. We all have an imagination that stretches to a certain extent and we should have the power to have this, as this in itself is running away, why do it physically when you can be far more adventurous and safer in your own mind?
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Outside and inside...
Walking around today it reminded me of a quote I once heard from Nigella - "There is a vast difference between how things seem from the outside and how they feel on the inside".
I was walking through Town today and there are many differentiations between people: whether race, culture, fashion whether they were obvious or not. The expressions on their faces reflected to me their lives and in a way what they were thinking at that moment in time. Maybe using the quote above of the difference between how things seem from the outside and how they feel on the inside this may not be the case, but commonly the look and expression someone is portraying shows a real persona of who the person is, where they came from etc. Everyone is unique - there own person adapting to whoever they want to be to a certain extent, but we all are harbouring similar emotions and opinions of things but in a different mind set. People smile, but then others have that mysterious apprehensive look upon their faces, do people use emotions to cover their true selves. For all we know they could be the happiest or saddest person to themselves.
I don't think people should have to hide their emotions and thoughts, we should all have the freedom of expression and how we want to convey ourselves. Why shouldn't we be able to share these things with our peers, we all have similar insecurities, the same worries - it's life, it's the world.
I was walking through Town today and there are many differentiations between people: whether race, culture, fashion whether they were obvious or not. The expressions on their faces reflected to me their lives and in a way what they were thinking at that moment in time. Maybe using the quote above of the difference between how things seem from the outside and how they feel on the inside this may not be the case, but commonly the look and expression someone is portraying shows a real persona of who the person is, where they came from etc. Everyone is unique - there own person adapting to whoever they want to be to a certain extent, but we all are harbouring similar emotions and opinions of things but in a different mind set. People smile, but then others have that mysterious apprehensive look upon their faces, do people use emotions to cover their true selves. For all we know they could be the happiest or saddest person to themselves.
I don't think people should have to hide their emotions and thoughts, we should all have the freedom of expression and how we want to convey ourselves. Why shouldn't we be able to share these things with our peers, we all have similar insecurities, the same worries - it's life, it's the world.
Put yourself in that situation.
We have all witnessed situations and have our opinions and resolutions to the problems but actually until you're in that situation you know nothing.
We have all been in that situation when a friend or family member need advice if they are stuck in a certain situation, whether it is serious or not.
There is that saying that we can sort others problems but yet we can't solve our own. Maybe giving advice is easier than following advice, and maybe by following your own advice you realise that it isn't a good idea.
We have all been in that situation when a friend or family member need advice if they are stuck in a certain situation, whether it is serious or not.
There is that saying that we can sort others problems but yet we can't solve our own. Maybe giving advice is easier than following advice, and maybe by following your own advice you realise that it isn't a good idea.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
There are various compulsions us individuals have, but one is very powerful.
Today in Religious Studies we touched on the subject of how us as humans have the compulsion to save someone elses life. This made me think about how people have the instinct and compulsion to do such brave and heroic things for others (by putting their own lives at danger). I suppose the general thought is that, we hate to see our loved ones, or any others in pain. You yourself can deal with pain, but seeing others suffering is unbearable - all you can do is sit and watch, not help at all.
Putting our lives at risk for others... The powerful compulsion of doing this, overrides our fears and outcomes of death. No one wants to die, however much they claim not to be feared by death but until faced with it you automatically try, fight to survive with all your might. A book I once read had a persona of a suicidal man who had a condition with his heart and he started to have heart palpitations becoming a serious heart attack - he knew he was dying, even though he was suicidal as he despised his life, he tried to fight the disease from killing him. His life flashed before him, he wanted to grab it, whilst he still had it. Life is valuable, as is every other aspect of our lives, some people do not have the gift of life, we should be grateful and caring of our own lives and also aware of others around us - our peers, we need them, as they need us.
People do so many things to save others lives: fundraisers, giving donors, transplants etc. The most powerful giving they could give is being beside that person and assuring them of your love and care - and that whatever the outcome they will be taken care of. We have a responsibility of caring for others and not being overly selfish.
At the end of the day, life is short, truthful, hurtful and indeed a reflection of who we are. How we act throughout our lives and how we are towards people all add up to one thing: a reward at the end, when you are in your last thoughts and moments reminiscing on how you have helped someone in one way or another, and I bet when you look to your side that person you helped is now helping you...
Today in Religious Studies we touched on the subject of how us as humans have the compulsion to save someone elses life. This made me think about how people have the instinct and compulsion to do such brave and heroic things for others (by putting their own lives at danger). I suppose the general thought is that, we hate to see our loved ones, or any others in pain. You yourself can deal with pain, but seeing others suffering is unbearable - all you can do is sit and watch, not help at all.
Putting our lives at risk for others... The powerful compulsion of doing this, overrides our fears and outcomes of death. No one wants to die, however much they claim not to be feared by death but until faced with it you automatically try, fight to survive with all your might. A book I once read had a persona of a suicidal man who had a condition with his heart and he started to have heart palpitations becoming a serious heart attack - he knew he was dying, even though he was suicidal as he despised his life, he tried to fight the disease from killing him. His life flashed before him, he wanted to grab it, whilst he still had it. Life is valuable, as is every other aspect of our lives, some people do not have the gift of life, we should be grateful and caring of our own lives and also aware of others around us - our peers, we need them, as they need us.
People do so many things to save others lives: fundraisers, giving donors, transplants etc. The most powerful giving they could give is being beside that person and assuring them of your love and care - and that whatever the outcome they will be taken care of. We have a responsibility of caring for others and not being overly selfish.
At the end of the day, life is short, truthful, hurtful and indeed a reflection of who we are. How we act throughout our lives and how we are towards people all add up to one thing: a reward at the end, when you are in your last thoughts and moments reminiscing on how you have helped someone in one way or another, and I bet when you look to your side that person you helped is now helping you...
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Reading minds.
I am sure in some stages of our lives we would love to be able to read someones mind - some maybe not, as it is like another sensual 'power' and this scares them, but me, I would love to be able to read peoples minds - it's curiosity.
There have been times throughout my life and quite recently, when I have seen people day dreaming out the window or with their heads on the school desks etc, and I have thought: I would love to read their minds, love to know what people are thinking and their perspectives of things and if they think the same as me. In some ways reading peoples minds would make life simple and too easy, that way we would solve every mystery or crime, know others thoughts of us, be hurt by hurtful thoughts, perhaps be disappointed with someones opinions of yourself or a subject in general... This is why I wouldn't want to read peoples minds, as if they thought something about me whilst perpetually talking to me, I'd feel used.
In year 10 English we read a novella called 'The Lifted Veil' this reminded me of reading peoples minds as it is about a man called Latimer, who had gathered the power of Precognition whilst ill in hospital, this caused him to be able to read peoples minds and see into the future and what it has to hold. Latimer feels it was a curse, an unwanted power, as the thoughts he heard from his late brother's coquettish, flirtatious fiancee who later went to marry Latimer, were negative, manipulative and cold. These made Latimer despise life, and it made him feel sick that he was foolishly fooled by Bertha's loving approach to him. I recommend this book even though the language is in old English, but can be understood if studied.
Reading 'The Lifted Veil' made me think seriously about wanting to read someones mind, as the truth can sometimes hurt, and the truth is spoken commonly through peoples minds. Skulls act as barriers towards the outside world - no one can read past them, but what you say can influence them... So do we all really want to read people's minds? Hear the truth... I am not so sure.
There have been times throughout my life and quite recently, when I have seen people day dreaming out the window or with their heads on the school desks etc, and I have thought: I would love to read their minds, love to know what people are thinking and their perspectives of things and if they think the same as me. In some ways reading peoples minds would make life simple and too easy, that way we would solve every mystery or crime, know others thoughts of us, be hurt by hurtful thoughts, perhaps be disappointed with someones opinions of yourself or a subject in general... This is why I wouldn't want to read peoples minds, as if they thought something about me whilst perpetually talking to me, I'd feel used.
In year 10 English we read a novella called 'The Lifted Veil' this reminded me of reading peoples minds as it is about a man called Latimer, who had gathered the power of Precognition whilst ill in hospital, this caused him to be able to read peoples minds and see into the future and what it has to hold. Latimer feels it was a curse, an unwanted power, as the thoughts he heard from his late brother's coquettish, flirtatious fiancee who later went to marry Latimer, were negative, manipulative and cold. These made Latimer despise life, and it made him feel sick that he was foolishly fooled by Bertha's loving approach to him. I recommend this book even though the language is in old English, but can be understood if studied.
Reading 'The Lifted Veil' made me think seriously about wanting to read someones mind, as the truth can sometimes hurt, and the truth is spoken commonly through peoples minds. Skulls act as barriers towards the outside world - no one can read past them, but what you say can influence them... So do we all really want to read people's minds? Hear the truth... I am not so sure.
Ambitions to follow?
We all have ambitions, but whether we should follow them is another thing. In a way, they are targets (targets of life: how we should get there, where we are now, are they possible etc)...
Some people would have ambitions or aspirations for their futures, whether career, family or self achievement. People make these to create a path for themselves along the road of life, what routes they should take - ambitions are like organising, time-planning. Should we really have definite ambitions? As more commonly than not, people change their minds based on inspiration from others, research and the situation in their lives. I think we should have a clear idea especially at post-16, as we are approaching our 'A' levels or further education that is available (we need to know what qualifications we acquire for our 'aspirations' in careers). What we choose is essential - it decides our future - our career, our income, our way of life - whether luxurious or basic essentials. We all have our chance to make the most out of education, we all need to remember that this is effectively the last shot we have of formal education. With ambitions or not, we all need to aim for something in life, something that may be 'impossible' in your eyes, but if we aim high we will eventually achieve - this is the motivation. It decides everything.
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Some people would have ambitions or aspirations for their futures, whether career, family or self achievement. People make these to create a path for themselves along the road of life, what routes they should take - ambitions are like organising, time-planning. Should we really have definite ambitions? As more commonly than not, people change their minds based on inspiration from others, research and the situation in their lives. I think we should have a clear idea especially at post-16, as we are approaching our 'A' levels or further education that is available (we need to know what qualifications we acquire for our 'aspirations' in careers). What we choose is essential - it decides our future - our career, our income, our way of life - whether luxurious or basic essentials. We all have our chance to make the most out of education, we all need to remember that this is effectively the last shot we have of formal education. With ambitions or not, we all need to aim for something in life, something that may be 'impossible' in your eyes, but if we aim high we will eventually achieve - this is the motivation. It decides everything.
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Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Every day we all hear some sort of news, well that is if you are interested in current affairs and the rest of the media's interpretations of 'what's happening in the world'
The other day I was sitting in the car staring out the window and the news was on the radio... I heard the normal: recession - the inflation rising slightly, a few odd bits of news and then finally someone who had been murdered earlier that day. News: every single article I read, watch or listen to has to mention bad news and this normally comes in the form of someones death and commonly murder.
How can people be so cruel to kill innocent lives - young or old, whoever they are, it is just plain cruel. Why do the murderers try so hard to hide themselves? I'll tell you why: because they are cowardess, scared and in a total turmoil of disgust. Police and investigators spend various amounts of time which sometimes total up to years investigating a mysterious murder or happening - just to leave someones family in complete misery as they cannot gain closure because of that murderer that can't be found. There should be justice. How about those individuals who are taken away by perhaps strangers from their families, why are people so obsessed over having someone kidnapped, crying, in pain and pleading to be released? And again, these families sit and wait for their child or loved one to walk through the door and to be free from the horrible individual who took them quite cynically. They cannot have closure, the mystery will continue until their loved one has been found - not knowing what state.
The news makes me think... Why are people so cruel, illnesses perhaps? Well I know that in most cases the culprits are free from anything making them do these acts, but yet they continue to wreck lives and for what? For nothing. Most of the time all they get is years in jail, years is not enough it should be capital punishment - a life for a life.
The other day I was sitting in the car staring out the window and the news was on the radio... I heard the normal: recession - the inflation rising slightly, a few odd bits of news and then finally someone who had been murdered earlier that day. News: every single article I read, watch or listen to has to mention bad news and this normally comes in the form of someones death and commonly murder.
How can people be so cruel to kill innocent lives - young or old, whoever they are, it is just plain cruel. Why do the murderers try so hard to hide themselves? I'll tell you why: because they are cowardess, scared and in a total turmoil of disgust. Police and investigators spend various amounts of time which sometimes total up to years investigating a mysterious murder or happening - just to leave someones family in complete misery as they cannot gain closure because of that murderer that can't be found. There should be justice. How about those individuals who are taken away by perhaps strangers from their families, why are people so obsessed over having someone kidnapped, crying, in pain and pleading to be released? And again, these families sit and wait for their child or loved one to walk through the door and to be free from the horrible individual who took them quite cynically. They cannot have closure, the mystery will continue until their loved one has been found - not knowing what state.
The news makes me think... Why are people so cruel, illnesses perhaps? Well I know that in most cases the culprits are free from anything making them do these acts, but yet they continue to wreck lives and for what? For nothing. Most of the time all they get is years in jail, years is not enough it should be capital punishment - a life for a life.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Valentines day.
A day of the year when celebrations - for some of us, really do matter.
Valentines day, which, quite coincidentally falls on a Monday, the Monday when year 11 always have their assembly's, and guess what the theme was: Valentines day. The normal lecture of what love is and how we should use it and the 'moral' message was: 'love is all about what you are willing to give, instead of what you are willing to take' which in a sense, is rather true. If you don't give in the relationship it's not really playing as a couple is it?
Just like any other celebration whether Christmas, Easter etc, this one has a difference, there really isn't any annual holiday, just an ordinary day - people working etc. People almost physologically believe it's all about love day, but surely if you are in a relationship every day you should feel this 'special'?
The advertisements made by media particulary in shops selling the loved-up merchandise normally in forms of red roses - which by the way are ridiculously priced, or keyrings which say love. To me the shops see this annual event as a way of making money selling merchandise which really isn't necessary. By cooking dinner or being there for your loved one should be enough, who needs a physical 'present' as a token to express their love for one another?
I am not against Valentines day at all, for me, there is nothing wrong with having annual celebrations but I must have heard at least ten people say they feel 'depressed' (just as Blue Monday it is just an ordinary day, a day where you don't really see any changes, just the physological affect by knowing it's there) because actually, I never saw anyone expressing love any different today than any other day. I understand if you see your ex with someone else exchanging gifts and a card it may hurt you, but the truth hurts and the truth is life, people move on and perhaps one day you will find your Valentine.
People shouldn't feel unloved, disheartened or any less 'special' than the second person next to you receiving a gift or card. Valentines day is just a day, a day when some people choose to celebrate their love openly...
Valentines day, which, quite coincidentally falls on a Monday, the Monday when year 11 always have their assembly's, and guess what the theme was: Valentines day. The normal lecture of what love is and how we should use it and the 'moral' message was: 'love is all about what you are willing to give, instead of what you are willing to take' which in a sense, is rather true. If you don't give in the relationship it's not really playing as a couple is it?
Just like any other celebration whether Christmas, Easter etc, this one has a difference, there really isn't any annual holiday, just an ordinary day - people working etc. People almost physologically believe it's all about love day, but surely if you are in a relationship every day you should feel this 'special'?
The advertisements made by media particulary in shops selling the loved-up merchandise normally in forms of red roses - which by the way are ridiculously priced, or keyrings which say love. To me the shops see this annual event as a way of making money selling merchandise which really isn't necessary. By cooking dinner or being there for your loved one should be enough, who needs a physical 'present' as a token to express their love for one another?
I am not against Valentines day at all, for me, there is nothing wrong with having annual celebrations but I must have heard at least ten people say they feel 'depressed' (just as Blue Monday it is just an ordinary day, a day where you don't really see any changes, just the physological affect by knowing it's there) because actually, I never saw anyone expressing love any different today than any other day. I understand if you see your ex with someone else exchanging gifts and a card it may hurt you, but the truth hurts and the truth is life, people move on and perhaps one day you will find your Valentine.
People shouldn't feel unloved, disheartened or any less 'special' than the second person next to you receiving a gift or card. Valentines day is just a day, a day when some people choose to celebrate their love openly...
I absolutely love London...
For me London has to be one of those places where anything is possible, where whatever the weather, London is still a vibrant, alive place. I find London a place where any emotion is possible, and that the weather is like pathetic fallacy. London to me is beautiful: whether it's the trees, the River Thames, the motion of the traffic, the building structures and the traditional, yet modern feel to the streets and the inhabitants.
I love travelling to London whether it is to generally go there for a shop or perhaps just to visit landmarks. The last time I went to London was 9th December for the Nigella Lawson book signing, the atmosphere on the streets was what I had expected: busy and manic, but in a nice way. Before that, at the start of September to visit art galleries for my Art GCSE prepatory tasks, the art galleries where beautiful, so vibrant and well presented. This visit was well enjoyed as I stepped foot on the London eye which was breathtaking the sights were overwhelming, I took photos:
The beautiful Big Ben |
The London eye next to the River Thames |
House of Parliament |
The London eye side view |
House of Parliament top view |
The London eye above view |
The London eye |
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Lies, do we really need to hear them or are they just mindless repetitive speech?
Do we really know that we are telling lies, do we tell them at the heat of the moment to maybe make a conversation more interesting, or to make yourself sound like something you're not? The thing is, do we actually need to tell lies, or are just doing them as we can?
I tell lies myself, who doesn't? There are moments to me where I told lies and it has saved me from a large amount of trouble but there are also times when I have told lies and they haven't made any difference to me whatsoever, on the other hand I have told lies that have hurt people out of anger - who hasn't? 99 percent of the time I regret telling lies as at the end of it, if you tell the truth in the first place, in the long run you have saved yourself from a lot of trouble.
I was listening to the Paloma Faith song 'Do you want the truth or something beautiful?' and this song inspired me actually to write this blog, that some people tell lies as the other side of the story is horrible and the truth hurts, unlike lies which can be beautiful and which can save us from a lot of pain. Yes the truth hurts, but surely doesn't everything hurt in some way? In the future if the truth is let out it will hurt even more and you are then deceiving that person even more and you are losing their trust in you.
So really should we have to tell lies to see something beautiful, do we have to change the situation so it's deceiving just to make yourself seem better? Not all lies can stop, as some can save us... But have we all thought about 'in the long run'...
Do we really know that we are telling lies, do we tell them at the heat of the moment to maybe make a conversation more interesting, or to make yourself sound like something you're not? The thing is, do we actually need to tell lies, or are just doing them as we can?
I tell lies myself, who doesn't? There are moments to me where I told lies and it has saved me from a large amount of trouble but there are also times when I have told lies and they haven't made any difference to me whatsoever, on the other hand I have told lies that have hurt people out of anger - who hasn't? 99 percent of the time I regret telling lies as at the end of it, if you tell the truth in the first place, in the long run you have saved yourself from a lot of trouble.
I was listening to the Paloma Faith song 'Do you want the truth or something beautiful?' and this song inspired me actually to write this blog, that some people tell lies as the other side of the story is horrible and the truth hurts, unlike lies which can be beautiful and which can save us from a lot of pain. Yes the truth hurts, but surely doesn't everything hurt in some way? In the future if the truth is let out it will hurt even more and you are then deceiving that person even more and you are losing their trust in you.
So really should we have to tell lies to see something beautiful, do we have to change the situation so it's deceiving just to make yourself seem better? Not all lies can stop, as some can save us... But have we all thought about 'in the long run'...
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Popularity isn't popular to me. Is it to you, really?
Whilst at school I hear people use the phrase 'that popular girl/boy', popular? I don't think, so more like some one who attracts negative attention for all the wrong reasons - whether physically or so on.
I am not saying the statement above is the case for everyone, but the label 'popular' really isn't the right definition, I know people who have increased popularity than them - and for all the right reasons.
I then see people trying to be popular, trying to fit in - too much pressure perhaps? But why would any one want to be 'overwhelmed' with popularity, when in fact what they have is much better - even one person, and that person looks out for you, and who knows when you become 'popular' in your own eyes people may use you to become popular. I think some people want to be popular to feel importance to be seen, to be noticed, but do you really for all the right reasons? Popularity is defined by many people as maybe someone who has many friends, someone who attracts bad attention but is getting it all. To be honest, are celebrities really popular? Maybe in their own personal lives, but in fact by liking celebrities it doesn't make them popular only in your own lives it is just seen as 'cool' to be with a celebrity, who wouldn't want to meet a celebrity and be seen with one - this isn't popularity it's stardom.
Popularity is defined as different things but think before you want to become 'popular' attraction is totally different to being attractive.
I am not saying the statement above is the case for everyone, but the label 'popular' really isn't the right definition, I know people who have increased popularity than them - and for all the right reasons.
I then see people trying to be popular, trying to fit in - too much pressure perhaps? But why would any one want to be 'overwhelmed' with popularity, when in fact what they have is much better - even one person, and that person looks out for you, and who knows when you become 'popular' in your own eyes people may use you to become popular. I think some people want to be popular to feel importance to be seen, to be noticed, but do you really for all the right reasons? Popularity is defined by many people as maybe someone who has many friends, someone who attracts bad attention but is getting it all. To be honest, are celebrities really popular? Maybe in their own personal lives, but in fact by liking celebrities it doesn't make them popular only in your own lives it is just seen as 'cool' to be with a celebrity, who wouldn't want to meet a celebrity and be seen with one - this isn't popularity it's stardom.
Popularity is defined as different things but think before you want to become 'popular' attraction is totally different to being attractive.
My best friend...
We all have our best friends, or as some say 'close friends'. 'Best friends' do not necessarily mean the person you have known the longest but the person in which you trust and can confide in when you need to talk about something, when you need a shoulder to lean on. This special friend is trustworthy and most of all, always there.
And for me that best friend is Hannah Saunders, or as I like to call her Hannah Sparkes or perhaps HanaSpanax (just like Irwin). I first met Hannah in year 9 - near enough the start, and we weren't too close but then we became closer and found out that we liked the same things and we weirdly had some 'connection' using our minds... We said things at the exact same time, this is why we called ourselves 'Twinnies' and my old, weird form tutor Mr Lambert got us two mixed up! I feel like I have known Hannah all my life, we are literally always laughing about something - sometimes completely pointless! But yes, that's us. What best friends are normal; normal people to me have a dry humour and perhaps a slightly boring personality. Me and Hannah tried out the 'dry humour' and it was, lets just say, a failure, we just look at each other and laugh and lets be honest how can we not help laughing with our silly little jokes and facial expression (and also our rather comical nicknames for people... Like today 'shake your bongos', 'ding-a-ling-a-ling-long-ling', 'vats vat' and the strange screeching of 'ahh!' - to us know as the child catcher!). We have done everything together and most of the time we are quite inseparable, whether it's shopping, bowling, going to London. Whilst on the subject of the 'Big Smoke' - London, Hannah and I are quite definitely considering moving to London to live in a cardboard box - perhaps we could make a Nige and Ir life size cut outs out of these one day? Anyway, yes we want to move to London for the atmosphere, the people in London - as Hannah knows who I am talking about, lets just say Google maps 'intensive research on an individual' whilst finding all sorts of Embassies. As we have been informed London is an expensive 'place to live in and eat in' - sorry a Nigella quotation there, but we are going to be sensible with our money and buy smart price spaghetti hoop, this isn't the best part of it, we won't have to buy a microwave - we like cold hoops! Perhaps we could afford a box of cornflakes? We need to save money for a bus though... To do our stalking duties, all we need is a camera, two deck chairs, a stereo and there we are we have it, our stalking is ready to go!
I could write so much more, but I won't gabble on too much! Hannah and I will be best friends forever, always staying in contact and laughing all the time - on the phone and the club brawls that will soon come! I love having Hannah as a best friend as she never stops making me laugh and smile - best friends until the end!
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My amazing best friend and I... |
And for me that best friend is Hannah Saunders, or as I like to call her Hannah Sparkes or perhaps HanaSpanax (just like Irwin). I first met Hannah in year 9 - near enough the start, and we weren't too close but then we became closer and found out that we liked the same things and we weirdly had some 'connection' using our minds... We said things at the exact same time, this is why we called ourselves 'Twinnies' and my old, weird form tutor Mr Lambert got us two mixed up! I feel like I have known Hannah all my life, we are literally always laughing about something - sometimes completely pointless! But yes, that's us. What best friends are normal; normal people to me have a dry humour and perhaps a slightly boring personality. Me and Hannah tried out the 'dry humour' and it was, lets just say, a failure, we just look at each other and laugh and lets be honest how can we not help laughing with our silly little jokes and facial expression (and also our rather comical nicknames for people... Like today 'shake your bongos', 'ding-a-ling-a-ling-long-ling', 'vats vat' and the strange screeching of 'ahh!' - to us know as the child catcher!). We have done everything together and most of the time we are quite inseparable, whether it's shopping, bowling, going to London. Whilst on the subject of the 'Big Smoke' - London, Hannah and I are quite definitely considering moving to London to live in a cardboard box - perhaps we could make a Nige and Ir life size cut outs out of these one day? Anyway, yes we want to move to London for the atmosphere, the people in London - as Hannah knows who I am talking about, lets just say Google maps 'intensive research on an individual' whilst finding all sorts of Embassies. As we have been informed London is an expensive 'place to live in and eat in' - sorry a Nigella quotation there, but we are going to be sensible with our money and buy smart price spaghetti hoop, this isn't the best part of it, we won't have to buy a microwave - we like cold hoops! Perhaps we could afford a box of cornflakes? We need to save money for a bus though... To do our stalking duties, all we need is a camera, two deck chairs, a stereo and there we are we have it, our stalking is ready to go!
I could write so much more, but I won't gabble on too much! Hannah and I will be best friends forever, always staying in contact and laughing all the time - on the phone and the club brawls that will soon come! I love having Hannah as a best friend as she never stops making me laugh and smile - best friends until the end!
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Do lessons from the past make our present lives happier?
I suppose our present lives could be now or maybe a few seconds, but do we really feel happier and do we still think about those past lessons? Everyone has learnt lessons from the past, whether good or bad, whether they have learnt or dwelled on these 'lessons'. People define 'lessons' in different ways, some may regret actions, have been taught in school, seen others mistakes and learnt from these and maybe someone acting stern towards them - correcting them in wrong places. Any lesson to me changes our present lives - do these make us happier?
Lessons are quite a broad subject therefore these can be anything from negative to positive, someone may regret something and then dwell on it moments later, years later and even the rest of their lives... Does this really make their present lives happier? I don't think so.
We have all been brought up differently, our parents did the best job they knew how to do, and along the line we have been taught lessons, from right to wrong. In this sense, yes they have made our present lives happier as they may have a positive polite approach to life, and therefore lead a happier life.
... Just a practise for English, this is quite bad... I haven't finished yet though, and I don't think I will, it isn't going too well!
Lessons are quite a broad subject therefore these can be anything from negative to positive, someone may regret something and then dwell on it moments later, years later and even the rest of their lives... Does this really make their present lives happier? I don't think so.
We have all been brought up differently, our parents did the best job they knew how to do, and along the line we have been taught lessons, from right to wrong. In this sense, yes they have made our present lives happier as they may have a positive polite approach to life, and therefore lead a happier life.
... Just a practise for English, this is quite bad... I haven't finished yet though, and I don't think I will, it isn't going too well!
Love after life?
Somewhere along the cycle of life some people find their 'soul mates' whether soul mates or not, people count them as one and are suited.
During the cycle of life there comes a time at the end unfortunately for everyone, for people to say goodbye and leave their loved ones. Some people do not get a chance to say goodbye as they pass suddenly without any warning. I was listening to the Cher song 'Believe' and the lyrics go: "Do you believe in life after love" - this song is basically saying that life may go on without love and perhaps they want to leave it behind and relive... But I thought perhaps lost souls want to be with their loved ones, and maybe they travel to meet their loved ones up in Heaven? To be with them and to continue the ever growing love for one another, whilst they may carry on sharing special moments we are living the cycle of life and they are just starting. Perhaps there is no such thing as 'afterlife' but I think love still lives on whilst two empty bodies lay silently and peacefully with their souls fully intact, still connected, still loving one another...
During the cycle of life there comes a time at the end unfortunately for everyone, for people to say goodbye and leave their loved ones. Some people do not get a chance to say goodbye as they pass suddenly without any warning. I was listening to the Cher song 'Believe' and the lyrics go: "Do you believe in life after love" - this song is basically saying that life may go on without love and perhaps they want to leave it behind and relive... But I thought perhaps lost souls want to be with their loved ones, and maybe they travel to meet their loved ones up in Heaven? To be with them and to continue the ever growing love for one another, whilst they may carry on sharing special moments we are living the cycle of life and they are just starting. Perhaps there is no such thing as 'afterlife' but I think love still lives on whilst two empty bodies lay silently and peacefully with their souls fully intact, still connected, still loving one another...
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
We all know that media is a huge part of our lives, as we live in a world which has completely evolved from simpler forms of life into a technology orientated world.
Media can be anything from the Internet, newspapers, television whether advertisements or news... Media is everywhere in our day to day lives. Media has all sorts of different advertisements showing products and of course there are laws, but really does the media abide by these all the time? I don't think so, a bit of small print on the bottom of a cosmetic advert saying "this model is wearing false eyelashes" is really beside the point, who is going to notice the small print unless they are quite observant. Consumers want to know what the product actually does realistically instead of using different enhancements to make it seem better than it actually is. The most common 'false' advertisements have to be the food industry, who goes into McDonald's and their burger is made up to top standard when the lettuce separated equally, the beef half as tender etc - absolutely no one. No food looks as good as it does on TV ( basically gastroporn) M&S commonly uses gastroporn - the glossy imagery of their foods the slogans "succulent" etc, but really is it succulent, most of the time, no. Moving on from food, well slightly, the idea of skinniness and dieting has just popped in my head. All we seem to see on clothing adverts are ridiculously skinny size zero models or the odd dieting advert maybe promoting dieting pills or any diets in that case. All the media seem to do is endorse the 'perfect' body image of skinny, healthy etc, but to people who are labelled obese this puts huge amounts of pressure on themselves to be like these surreal models, who to be honest have probably been photo shopped knowing media today. Some people who are actually skinny, may look at these models and think "I would love to be like them, skinny, perfect" when in actual fact the person saying it is skinny and not overweight, this causes them to perhaps develop eating disorders.
The media has a strong grip on people these days, persuasive, imaginative and also powerful, by seeing a quick glance at an advert or anything like that sort we can be put into a different mind set and opinion...
Media can be anything from the Internet, newspapers, television whether advertisements or news... Media is everywhere in our day to day lives. Media has all sorts of different advertisements showing products and of course there are laws, but really does the media abide by these all the time? I don't think so, a bit of small print on the bottom of a cosmetic advert saying "this model is wearing false eyelashes" is really beside the point, who is going to notice the small print unless they are quite observant. Consumers want to know what the product actually does realistically instead of using different enhancements to make it seem better than it actually is. The most common 'false' advertisements have to be the food industry, who goes into McDonald's and their burger is made up to top standard when the lettuce separated equally, the beef half as tender etc - absolutely no one. No food looks as good as it does on TV ( basically gastroporn) M&S commonly uses gastroporn - the glossy imagery of their foods the slogans "succulent" etc, but really is it succulent, most of the time, no. Moving on from food, well slightly, the idea of skinniness and dieting has just popped in my head. All we seem to see on clothing adverts are ridiculously skinny size zero models or the odd dieting advert maybe promoting dieting pills or any diets in that case. All the media seem to do is endorse the 'perfect' body image of skinny, healthy etc, but to people who are labelled obese this puts huge amounts of pressure on themselves to be like these surreal models, who to be honest have probably been photo shopped knowing media today. Some people who are actually skinny, may look at these models and think "I would love to be like them, skinny, perfect" when in actual fact the person saying it is skinny and not overweight, this causes them to perhaps develop eating disorders.
The media has a strong grip on people these days, persuasive, imaginative and also powerful, by seeing a quick glance at an advert or anything like that sort we can be put into a different mind set and opinion...
Where to start?
Well I know that the future is coming around fast, to be honest, I can remember when the future seemed light years away, but here I am - nearly 16 years old, almost entering the world in which I will soon be labelled 'an adult' a phrase in which when I was 10 I really wanted to be, but now it's a reality I don't want it anymore. Time is too fast.
Since I started year 10 I realised that I really enjoyed English, I really loved writing about subjects, feelings etc. Whilst doing coursework I realised my talents in writing too as my grades were: Poetry - B, Creative writing - A, Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet - A and Gothic Literature: George Eliot: The Lifted Veil - A*. I enjoyed writing my coursework as it gave me a chance to write in varied ways: creatively, understanding 19th century prose, Shakespearean language etc.
As of course we are all aware the future approaches quickly more than it did 10 years ago, and in that case I really need to start deciding on my future plans, future careers - future this, future that. I have decided - at the moment, that I am interested in pursuing a career in Journalism as it seems quite a wide media of things from research to broadcasting from interviewing etc, and I love independent writing and researching. The thing is I know that Journalism is hard to get into, and that really you need your 'big-break' which I wish would come, but I don't think it will, also there is so much competition that it will be difficult, I want to try my best to aspire to be one, we shall have to see what my future has to hold. I wouldn't mind doing any sort of career in writing as long as I can be opinionated as I am very much independent about writing etc. I wouldn't mind being a novelist either as I feel that writing a novel would give me a chance to express myself and write in a language and persona that I would feel comfortable with. I really hope that one day I will enter a career that involves writing... We shall see, but for now school work is essential. Not long though... Future is coming.
Since I started year 10 I realised that I really enjoyed English, I really loved writing about subjects, feelings etc. Whilst doing coursework I realised my talents in writing too as my grades were: Poetry - B, Creative writing - A, Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet - A and Gothic Literature: George Eliot: The Lifted Veil - A*. I enjoyed writing my coursework as it gave me a chance to write in varied ways: creatively, understanding 19th century prose, Shakespearean language etc.
As of course we are all aware the future approaches quickly more than it did 10 years ago, and in that case I really need to start deciding on my future plans, future careers - future this, future that. I have decided - at the moment, that I am interested in pursuing a career in Journalism as it seems quite a wide media of things from research to broadcasting from interviewing etc, and I love independent writing and researching. The thing is I know that Journalism is hard to get into, and that really you need your 'big-break' which I wish would come, but I don't think it will, also there is so much competition that it will be difficult, I want to try my best to aspire to be one, we shall have to see what my future has to hold. I wouldn't mind doing any sort of career in writing as long as I can be opinionated as I am very much independent about writing etc. I wouldn't mind being a novelist either as I feel that writing a novel would give me a chance to express myself and write in a language and persona that I would feel comfortable with. I really hope that one day I will enter a career that involves writing... We shall see, but for now school work is essential. Not long though... Future is coming.
Guilty pleasures!
We have all heard the term 'guilty pleasures' but really are they guilty pleasures?
Guilty pleasures are defined as 'Something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo, unadvisable or lowbrow'. To me the word 'guilty' and 'pleasure' is a juxtaposition, they contrast two totally different things, guilty has connotations of taboos, regret etc, whereas pleasure is more enjoyment etc. I remember recently watching Nigella Lawson on an interview and the way in which she counts food as pleasures, an interviewer asked her whether or not she had any 'guilty pleasures' and she replied that you should not feel guilty about pleasures, which is I suppose quite a true statement, as surely if something is making you feel good it shouldn't be regretted - I mean it is not all the time when we are self indulging with the good things in life.
So really should we be guilty about pleasures - I don't think so. Perhaps thinking 'I maybe shouldn't have eaten that' but really it suited us at that time, so go along with it.
Guilty pleasures are defined as 'Something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo, unadvisable or lowbrow'. To me the word 'guilty' and 'pleasure' is a juxtaposition, they contrast two totally different things, guilty has connotations of taboos, regret etc, whereas pleasure is more enjoyment etc. I remember recently watching Nigella Lawson on an interview and the way in which she counts food as pleasures, an interviewer asked her whether or not she had any 'guilty pleasures' and she replied that you should not feel guilty about pleasures, which is I suppose quite a true statement, as surely if something is making you feel good it shouldn't be regretted - I mean it is not all the time when we are self indulging with the good things in life.
So really should we be guilty about pleasures - I don't think so. Perhaps thinking 'I maybe shouldn't have eaten that' but really it suited us at that time, so go along with it.
Masks are objects, but we are always wearing them...
Masks, they are objects but actually we are always wearing them, we use things to cover-up who we really are and who we really want to be.
Some use make up, an emotion and even the extremes of plastic surgery. Why do people do these things, and most of all why do I? Make up is definitely an everyday thing for me and I know it is for most women, but actually is it really essential, the only benefit for me is that I feel I have more self confidence. Some women are so insecure that they use make up religiously to hide themselves, but really make up is only a light layer of what your true skin is, it's just a cover up that actually people can see through. You may think that by putting on a 'brave' face makes you seem like you're okay but actually most people - especially close friends and family, can tell instantly if you feel down etc, they know you from your facial expressions, your body movement, your tone of voice. So that smile that you try so hard to wear to cover your sadness, to them is fake. "There is a vast difference between how things seem from the outside and how they feel on the inside" - Nigella Lawson. Plastic surgery? Scientifically it is know to age you when you become older, no matter how much surgery you get you will still be older and probably older than the next person who hasn't surgically corrected themselves. You may think you look a million pounds but in fact in most cases people can tell whether you have been prodded about and 'fixed', and inside you probably feel more insecure then you originally did as you know that you have to deal with a 'new image'.
I don't understand why people have to cover who they really are, to me, I wear make up as I feel less insecure and 'prettier' in a way as I see media always endorsing beauty cosmetics and then the next minute promoting natural beauty - what line do they want us to follow? I also think that people want to 'impress' the opposite sex and their partners, but in actual fact people love you for who you really are, and not a fake persona you are trying to portray. People want to hear about how you are feeling and they don't want to be falsely believing that you are okay when you aren't - and secretly you want them to realise that you aren't okay. I admit I hide emotions sometimes, I wear make up, but sometimes I feel why should I? Who am I trying to impress, apart from the mirror that I look into every morning?
Some use make up, an emotion and even the extremes of plastic surgery. Why do people do these things, and most of all why do I? Make up is definitely an everyday thing for me and I know it is for most women, but actually is it really essential, the only benefit for me is that I feel I have more self confidence. Some women are so insecure that they use make up religiously to hide themselves, but really make up is only a light layer of what your true skin is, it's just a cover up that actually people can see through. You may think that by putting on a 'brave' face makes you seem like you're okay but actually most people - especially close friends and family, can tell instantly if you feel down etc, they know you from your facial expressions, your body movement, your tone of voice. So that smile that you try so hard to wear to cover your sadness, to them is fake. "There is a vast difference between how things seem from the outside and how they feel on the inside" - Nigella Lawson. Plastic surgery? Scientifically it is know to age you when you become older, no matter how much surgery you get you will still be older and probably older than the next person who hasn't surgically corrected themselves. You may think you look a million pounds but in fact in most cases people can tell whether you have been prodded about and 'fixed', and inside you probably feel more insecure then you originally did as you know that you have to deal with a 'new image'.
I don't understand why people have to cover who they really are, to me, I wear make up as I feel less insecure and 'prettier' in a way as I see media always endorsing beauty cosmetics and then the next minute promoting natural beauty - what line do they want us to follow? I also think that people want to 'impress' the opposite sex and their partners, but in actual fact people love you for who you really are, and not a fake persona you are trying to portray. People want to hear about how you are feeling and they don't want to be falsely believing that you are okay when you aren't - and secretly you want them to realise that you aren't okay. I admit I hide emotions sometimes, I wear make up, but sometimes I feel why should I? Who am I trying to impress, apart from the mirror that I look into every morning?
Arguing is overrated.
Arguing? Probably the term you hear everyday to explain someones fall out, misunderstanding or disagreement... But actually that argument would have definitely made things much worse.
I see people argue almost everyday, mostly about utter nonsense and to be honest probably for just the sake of arguing, sense of boredom or perhaps a sudden outburst into what you have felt for a long time? Don't get me wrong, I have argued with people and almost instantly afterwards, either when I turn away or go home I regret ever opening my mouth. Arguing definitely brings out a side of you that is basically trapped filled with true, slightly cynical thoughts which you have been meaning to get out but in a slightly 'calmer' way. There are arguments in friendships, relationships, domestics and war on moral and religious reasons. I have witnessed most arguments either on the news or straight in front of me. An argument to most people is probably verbal abuse getting thrown at each other, but actually an argument can be anything - an argument is behind every war, fight, revenge etc.
But do arguments actually fully resolve something? To me - No. All arguments are thoughts that are just shouted out, verbally and even physically, they are painful, unnecessary, unloving and most of all horrible. I have heard, I have even cried myself over arguments never mind how serious or petty they are, and to me they have never resolved ones unexplained or misunderstanding areas in life, they just make you dwell and in a way scream for an answer and a resolution. For instance, wars, have any really been resolved fully? There are still questions about why it happened, why so many innocent brave soldiers have been killed, to me there is one simple reason: fear. People argue either to feel like they are defending themselves but actually they are just arguing as they do not want the other person to get the better of them, to effectively 'win' when in fact you would have been the better person not to retaliate.
So perhaps arguing is part of what people do? But to me why let it be part of us, why not take things in our stride, get on with life, and not let other peoples views or thoughts argue against your own?
I see people argue almost everyday, mostly about utter nonsense and to be honest probably for just the sake of arguing, sense of boredom or perhaps a sudden outburst into what you have felt for a long time? Don't get me wrong, I have argued with people and almost instantly afterwards, either when I turn away or go home I regret ever opening my mouth. Arguing definitely brings out a side of you that is basically trapped filled with true, slightly cynical thoughts which you have been meaning to get out but in a slightly 'calmer' way. There are arguments in friendships, relationships, domestics and war on moral and religious reasons. I have witnessed most arguments either on the news or straight in front of me. An argument to most people is probably verbal abuse getting thrown at each other, but actually an argument can be anything - an argument is behind every war, fight, revenge etc.
But do arguments actually fully resolve something? To me - No. All arguments are thoughts that are just shouted out, verbally and even physically, they are painful, unnecessary, unloving and most of all horrible. I have heard, I have even cried myself over arguments never mind how serious or petty they are, and to me they have never resolved ones unexplained or misunderstanding areas in life, they just make you dwell and in a way scream for an answer and a resolution. For instance, wars, have any really been resolved fully? There are still questions about why it happened, why so many innocent brave soldiers have been killed, to me there is one simple reason: fear. People argue either to feel like they are defending themselves but actually they are just arguing as they do not want the other person to get the better of them, to effectively 'win' when in fact you would have been the better person not to retaliate.
So perhaps arguing is part of what people do? But to me why let it be part of us, why not take things in our stride, get on with life, and not let other peoples views or thoughts argue against your own?
I was thinking...
Today in class I sat there day dreaming, as I am sure most people do whilst 'trying' to concentrate... But me? I easily get distracted, but anyway I was thinking...
In English we did an exam practice from a question arguing whether or not boys and girls should be taught separately but as per usual I have no idea what side to argue... So I decided to follow along the lines of they should be separated as I thought of more points for that side of the argument. Thinking about it just now I realise that actually me being a girl and being through relationships, boys to me are, I suppose a distraction - not just for us, but us as girls probably are for them too.
Whilst on the subject of 'lusting' and being distracted by the opposite gender, I started thinking well, why do people actually fall in love with people, is it the way that person makes you feel when you look at them or is it that sense that you want to live the rest of your life with that person? It is all so confusing. I suppose everyone looks at people in different ways, but seeing someone smile and them 'enlightening' your day can't surely be the ultimatum of 'love'? To be honest, who actually knows how people are instantly attracted to someone else - 'love at first sight' maybe? Love at first sight is a slight cliche but maybe some people use the term to say: well that person smiled at me and made my day? I don't know... However people attract seems to turn out well, unless they have been foolishly blinded...
In English we did an exam practice from a question arguing whether or not boys and girls should be taught separately but as per usual I have no idea what side to argue... So I decided to follow along the lines of they should be separated as I thought of more points for that side of the argument. Thinking about it just now I realise that actually me being a girl and being through relationships, boys to me are, I suppose a distraction - not just for us, but us as girls probably are for them too.
Whilst on the subject of 'lusting' and being distracted by the opposite gender, I started thinking well, why do people actually fall in love with people, is it the way that person makes you feel when you look at them or is it that sense that you want to live the rest of your life with that person? It is all so confusing. I suppose everyone looks at people in different ways, but seeing someone smile and them 'enlightening' your day can't surely be the ultimatum of 'love'? To be honest, who actually knows how people are instantly attracted to someone else - 'love at first sight' maybe? Love at first sight is a slight cliche but maybe some people use the term to say: well that person smiled at me and made my day? I don't know... However people attract seems to turn out well, unless they have been foolishly blinded...
Monday, 7 February 2011
A beautiful baby in need of help...
You don't hear about serious illnesses every day, especially not in the case of a beautiful baby who has a rare cancerous disease called Neuroblastoma...
When I first heard about the beautiful Lilly Macglashan from my amazing friend Megan (who is Lilly's older sister) I was completely shocked and heartbroken... How could a little innocent baby girl develop such a hurtful damaging disease? Megan showed me a picture of Lilly with her beautiful twin Mollie and they both look as happy as can be, both smiling and laughing, this just shows that Lilly is a little fighter and that her twin is beside her all the way - including her loving family. It is so sad to see a family go through such upset seeing their baby have treatment, it must be so hard, I couldn't imagine it. Hearing Megan talk about it makes me understand that Lilly is a brave young girl and that her family are all behind her, also seeing the fundraising from the community shows that everyone is trying to help and support such a little angel! She needs a final treatment in which she has to travel to America for, it is a costly treatment therefore we all need to fundraise to help Lilly Macglashan, to help her grow up into the world which she hasn't adventured yet, so she can walk and talk to her loving family and of course so she can run around with her twin Mollie, and also so that my lovely friend Megan will keep that lovely smile on her face as she sees her little sister grow up!
So please support Lilly Macglashan, she needs our help:
Thank you ever so much for reading this blog! Good luck to baby Lilly and all her wonderful family who have been there for her every step of the way!
When I first heard about the beautiful Lilly Macglashan from my amazing friend Megan (who is Lilly's older sister) I was completely shocked and heartbroken... How could a little innocent baby girl develop such a hurtful damaging disease? Megan showed me a picture of Lilly with her beautiful twin Mollie and they both look as happy as can be, both smiling and laughing, this just shows that Lilly is a little fighter and that her twin is beside her all the way - including her loving family. It is so sad to see a family go through such upset seeing their baby have treatment, it must be so hard, I couldn't imagine it. Hearing Megan talk about it makes me understand that Lilly is a brave young girl and that her family are all behind her, also seeing the fundraising from the community shows that everyone is trying to help and support such a little angel! She needs a final treatment in which she has to travel to America for, it is a costly treatment therefore we all need to fundraise to help Lilly Macglashan, to help her grow up into the world which she hasn't adventured yet, so she can walk and talk to her loving family and of course so she can run around with her twin Mollie, and also so that my lovely friend Megan will keep that lovely smile on her face as she sees her little sister grow up!
So please support Lilly Macglashan, she needs our help:
Thank you ever so much for reading this blog! Good luck to baby Lilly and all her wonderful family who have been there for her every step of the way!
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Never judge a book by it's cover, because one day...
I was on Facebook earlier going down the homepage and I saw a page that someone liked, I clicked on it and it gave me an idea for a blog as it really made sense.
The page read 'that large girl you're making fun off in PE might be the next top model, that nerd you never sit next to will probably be your boss in the future, that pretty girl you have had a crush on will probably give you aids in the next few years, that quiet guy you see walking the corridoors everyday may be the next superstar and that black child no he's not going to a rapper or the next athlete but perhaps the new president' how random some of that sounds, it is true if you think about it, we always look at people and perhaps think things about them - negative or positive, without really getting to know them, without hearing their thoughts and feelings. All we do is judge a book by its cover... We shouldn't as who knows, one day, maybe, that person that is infront of you will be the next big thing, and the person you look up to niavely may not be such a hero after all.
Reading that page made me think, life is too short, we shouldn't judge. So from now on let people be themselves, be happy, be unique - let us all live the way we want to, the way we want to look. Everyone some day will turn into something they have lived for and deserve!
The page read 'that large girl you're making fun off in PE might be the next top model, that nerd you never sit next to will probably be your boss in the future, that pretty girl you have had a crush on will probably give you aids in the next few years, that quiet guy you see walking the corridoors everyday may be the next superstar and that black child no he's not going to a rapper or the next athlete but perhaps the new president' how random some of that sounds, it is true if you think about it, we always look at people and perhaps think things about them - negative or positive, without really getting to know them, without hearing their thoughts and feelings. All we do is judge a book by its cover... We shouldn't as who knows, one day, maybe, that person that is infront of you will be the next big thing, and the person you look up to niavely may not be such a hero after all.
Reading that page made me think, life is too short, we shouldn't judge. So from now on let people be themselves, be happy, be unique - let us all live the way we want to, the way we want to look. Everyone some day will turn into something they have lived for and deserve!
I'm back!
Well Bloggers I haven't been blogging for a while... I suppose it makes up for my mad obsession when I first joined! So I'm back and hopefully blogging a few new things - pointless things but hey ho!
Blog soon!
Blog soon!
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